Jan 25-28 (no class Friday Jan 29) Term Project Presentations/History of Punctuation/History of Forbidden Vernacular/Text to Film Misrepresentation/Tech Film Assessments

Mon: Term Project Presentations - for each - review and update re: edits provided during presentations.

Please take suggested edits, make edits, then submit for final mark within Teams. Time for any make up work in Teams. Laptop Cart is with Mrs. VB. 

Mini Budget Project - to add to your Term Project - upload to your Onedrive & Teams. 

Netflix- Connections - Surveillance. 45 min.


Presentations: Hailey, Sophia, Rogan, Tyler. 

The History Of ^%$& words. A Netflix Review. Class discussion re: a summative assessment re: the history of these various words. 

3 x 20 min. = 2 hours. 

Question: Do you agree that these words will become part of our everyday vernacular? Why or why not? 

Polish of Presentations/Projects Assign 18 Teams and Completion of Budgets Assign 22 in Teams if required. 


Project Presentations! 

Tech Lab - Budget Completion - save all files to Onedrive and My Blueprint - Cover, Resume, Project and Budget. 

Presentations: Josh, Nik, Sky, Dev, Bernice

The History Of ^%$& words. A Netflix Review. Class discussion re: a summative assessment re: the history of these various words. 

2 x 20 min. = 2 hours. 

Question: Do you agree that these words will become part of our everyday vernacular? Why or why not? 

Thurs: Project Completion Time. 

1. Be sure - that you have reviewed and submitted all required assignments in Teams. 

2. Be sure you have created your 'Grad Capstone Prep' Folder in One Drive and that the following documents have been uploaded to it.

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Your Careers Project (Assign 18 in Teams)
  • Your sample (Approved by Ms. H) budget

3. Also be sure to also save all of the above 4 documents to your Grade 11 My Blueprint Portfolio!

4. Individual grammar review and recommendations with Ms. H. 

* Possibly - Netflix - Death to 2020. 1:10min 

A Netflix Review - Class Discussion re: a summative assessment and why/what was the purpose of the use of satirical political commentary throughout?

Friday: No Class.


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