Nov 26 2020 Optimizing the World & Covid Hackathon Project

Obtain laptops from library.


Hand out to class - they have assigned laptops in the book with the cart - under New Media 11. 

Last Day - Students read the following piece 'Radically Optimizing The World' by Mr. JM and answered some questions via teams. (Questions for class re-review as linked HERE).

The class has/or should have last day completed these questions Assign 7 in Teams. 

Please lead a class discussion re: their thoughts on the piece. 

What's on for today.

We are continuing our work via the lead of Mr. Techno Future, Jean Marc LaFlamme one of Canada's original 'hackers' and Canadian Governmental Website Creators & Serial Online Entrepreneurs. 

Tasks for today include:

1. How Does The Internet Work? Video 3min.

Thin underwater cables hold the internet. See a map of them all.

Thoughts? Discussion. 

2. View - 

Thoughts? Discussion. 

Assignment - The Future of Work: Will Our Children Be Prepared

Please complete the Teams Assignment 8 question sheet for this video in Teams > General > Assignments.

Next Up - You are going to prep for and implement your very own pair or individual Hackathon on the topic of the big ol'C word these days - Covid19 & the Future of Revelstoke (and beyond). 

What the heck is a Hackathon?
hackathon (also known as a hack dayhackfest or codefest; a hacking marathon) is a design sprint-like event; often, in which individuals collaborate intensively on projects.
The goal of a hackathon is to create functioning systems, software or hardware by the end of the event.[1] Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the language used, the operating system, an application, an API, or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software or plan created.

Review below; 

In recent months, we have seen the significant economic impact of the coronavirus on financial markets and a wide range of industries: manufacturing, tourism, hospitality, and travel. 
Behind these statistics lie the human costs of the pandemic, from the physical effects of infection, mental trauma, and fear of the unknown. Not knowing how this pandemic plays out affects our economic, physical and mental well-being against a backdrop of a world that, for many, is increasingly anxious, unhappy and lonely. 
Instructions:  - Located in Teams > General > Assignment 9. Complete the Hackathon Prep Questions. 

Be ready to present your results to me (Ms. H) on Friday.


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