Jan 4 2021 Welcome Back + Teams Assignments Review/Catch Up + Less Is Now Viewing & Discussion.


1. Welcome Back & Updated & Reaffirming Covid19 Classroom Protocols.

*Masks on at all times with exception of at desk (if desired). I would recommend wearing your masks at all times unless eating or drinking.

*Anytime you are moving within the classroom, doing group work, cleaning etc. - masks are ON!

*Updated requirement to remain seated in your rows until dismissed in rows. No getting up and bunching near doors prior to departure.

*NO moving around the room to sit near friends unless working in groups re: assigned work - then masks on. 

*NO friends to visit the classroom at breaks. Please let them know.

*To remain cleaning our space - desks and chairs - prior to departure. 

2. Review of editing/grammar suggestions - for the class. 

Don’t Use/Stop Using:
Like (at the start of sentences)
Because (at the start of sentences)
But (at the start of sentences)

Be sure to use:

*Periods - commas.
*Idea - restate the question if you are unsure as to how to start your answer.
*Be sure to always provide a summative statement at the end of your paragraphs/short answers. 
*Don't be afraid to use the word 'that' 
e.g. I think school should be shorter.
e.g. I think that school should should shorter

Side note: Use I believe vs. I think

3. Review of Office 365 Teams Assignments - to break.

Time for - Reviewing marks to date & catch up time for any missing assignments. 

4. The Minimalists - Less Is Now Viewing & Discussion. 1 hr + 30 min discussion.

Teams - Assign 16 - Paragraph Response.

* If Time: Intro to Novel Study - Into The Wild.

Into the Wild” acknowledges big problems in today's society, and forces you to look deeply for them. Released in 2007 by director Sean Penn, the biographical film still has major relevance in today's world, nine years later, by presenting the idea of living simply and appreciating what has been given to you.


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